

Monday 08 January 2024

We're back to the maxim if you've nothing to hide you've nothing to fear.

The Horizon IT scandal has been brought to the fore by the ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office. Ordinary people whose lives were destroyed by a faulty computer system. These people had nothing to hide, but they had plenty to fear from an overbearing Post Office.



The Israel – Hamas ceasefire ended this morning. Terrorists killed a couple of people in Jerusalem yesterday, and this morning Hamas launched missiles towards the Israeli city of Sderot. Not surprisingly, the way the media report such things, you would think it was Israel that broke the ceasefire. Such is the way at the moment.


Owen Jones (the Guardian journalist, described by Ed Balls as a second rate intellectual), has seen the Hamas videos of their slaughter of the innocents on the 7th October, and has produced his own video in which he casts doubt on the brutality inflicted on the victims. I have always thought of him as a pip squeak, but I much prefer a description I saw yesterday, in response to his video: shit weasel. He really is an odious individual.

#journal #society #terrorism


Hamas still hold about 130 hostages, seized from Israel last month, and for the moment the cease fire is holding.

On October 7th, Hamas crossed the border into Israel and slaughtered 1400+ innocent civilians, children, babies, the elderly amongst them. Before Israel had even launched its response, Palestinian supporters were on the streets of cities around the world, celebrating Hamas' strike for freedom. Even as the video footage taken by the terrorists was published, and which showed the sickening depravity of the butchery, the pro-Palestinian marches continued. Their supporters try to justify the killings as a response to Israeli occupation, while others claim it was the Israeli's themselves who carried out the attacks.

Since the slaughter reports of antisemitism in this country have reached unprecedented levels. Massive demonstrations have taken place in London, with the crowds calling for jihad and the destruction of Israel. British Jews no longer feel safe on the streets of our capital. Week after week, the marches take place, and nothing is done in response to the hatred some of the protestors spew. And so they become more brazen.

Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented

Elie Wiesel

Today we learn that a council in east London has scrapped plans to install a Chanukkah menorah for fear of “inflaming community tensions”. The Metropolitan police meanwhile warn the public to be vigilant before Christmas fearing a terrorist attack. So much for our lauded multi-cultural society.

The barbarians are amongst us, and given half a chance they will slaughter more innocents. For the sake of clarity, by they I mean Islamist Fundamentalists. Theirs is the only religion which is so profoundly violent that it seeks to destroy all non-believers. Whose supporters bully and cow their opponents and whose adherents think nothing of butchering innocent people.


The response of some (many) to the 7th October massacre in Middle Eastern countries was predictable. But to see the same reaction here in the UK has shocked me. I begin to see now parallels with 1930's Germany, and to be frank it is deeply worrying. Whatever else, we must maintain our support for the Jewish people of this country.

For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing

Simon Wiesenthal

#journal #society #terrorism

What is a woman? People in the future will read this and think what a ridiculous question.

But here we are, in an era when men are competing in women's sport, where men claim to have periods, where men think they can breast feed children. The men in question are in fact transwomen, and they would have you believe transwomen are women. Taking that train of thought to its ultimate destination leads certain adherents to the idea that transwomen should be able to breast feed a child.

If you dare question this narrative you are accused of being transphobic, which could in turn lead to the police investigating you for a hate crime, the risk of losing your job and the chance your bank could close your account without notice.

The fundamental problem arises from the use of the word woman. The definition of a woman, as accepted by most right minded people, is of a female human being.

A man can never be a woman, no matter what drugs are taken or what surgery they undergo.

It's time we called an end to this nonsense. Leave women to be women, and transfolk, stop pretending to be something you are not and never can be.


Did you know that the forerunners of the modern day police in Britain were the Bow Street Runners? They were formed by Magistrate Henry Fielding in 1749 and worked for him from his office at Bow Street Magistrates Court. Their role was to serve writs and arrest offenders as authorised by the Magistrates.

At that time, and elsewhere around the country, enforcement of the law was in the hands of elected unpaid parish constables. In addition, members of the public could pay thief takers to catch criminals and bring them before the Magistrates. There was very little Government involvement in law enforcement, and the apprehension of criminals was often left to private citizens.

My question in writing this article is have we come full circle? Is the apprehension of criminals again being left to those who have been the victims of crime?

A friend's workshop was recently broken into and about £50,000 worth of equipment stolen. Eleven adjoining businesses were also ransacked. The matter was reported to the local Constabulary, but they have not investigated, and it has been left to my friend to check with other local businesses and establish if there were any witnesses to the incident or if it was caught on their CCTV.

My friend's situation is by no means unique. Almost daily one hears stories of police disinterest when it comes to investigating crime, and yet they always seem to have the time to dance at Pride events, paint patrol cars the colours of the rainbow, and harass people who have the temerity to express their opinion online.

So I have to ask, what is the point of the police? If they are no longer doing the job they are paid to do, what useful purpose do they serve? One of the Peelian Principles of policing states;

To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.

I do not know of a time when the existence, actions and behaviours of the police have ever been questioned as they are today. However it is becoming ever more apparent that they have lost the respect of the public, and I believe the time has come for a complete overhaul. They need reminding that it is us, the public, they serve. I am not proposing that the police should be defunded, but the current force should be completely dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up in accordance with the original Peelian Principles. I want to see bobbies back on the beat, local police stations reopened, and the re-establishment of closer connections with those communities they are supposed to be serving.

#journal #society #police

The BBC reported that the UK's heatwave and scorching 40C temperatures sparked wildfires across the country Really? Is it not possible the fires were started by arsonists, as has happened during warm spells for as long as I can remember. Don't take my word for it though, some of those earlier incidents have been reported by the BBC, and can be found on their web site.

Here for your perusal are just a few examples;

13 March 2010The number of deliberately started heath fires goes up as the evenings become lighter, the fire service said

26 March 2008About 170 firefighters spent three hours battling that blaze, during which more than 100 local residents had to leave their homes

13 April 2006Not only is it absolutely devastating to the countryside but it puts lives at risk.

Search, and you will find many more examples.

It has been uncomfortably hot these last few days, but even at 40c grass and trees do not spontaneously combust. It seems however that facts don't matter to the media. Over the last few years a level of hysteria has crept into the MSM. Gone is any attempt to explain and discuss, to discover what actually happened. Now every major incident is treated as if it was Armageddon, and the likes of the BBC, ITV and Sky are quite happy scaring the population because it fits the narrative they are pushing.

The fires over the last few days were not sparked by the heat wave. I'm betting though that when the actual causes are discovered there will barely be a mention of it in the media. They will have moved on to the next scare story.

#journal #media #society

They’re at it again. With a severe heatwave likely to hit England by the end of this week, the MSM is full of warnings. Stay inside, remain hydrated. The heat is a killer, be careful out there.

When did we in this country lose all sense of perspective? What happened to the stoic British character? Anything out of the ordinary is now met with warnings of impending doom. Since Covid have we become incapable of thinking for ourselves? Are we so reliant on the Government that we are now unable to make common sense decisions?

How do you think your parents and grandparents coped when it got a little hotter than normal? What would they think of today’s society that has become so utterly dependant on the State for guidance?

The word that springs to mind, the one that best describes the current state of society: pathetic.

#society #media #climate

Another shooting in America, more children and their teachers killed in a senseless massacre of the innocents. There will be the usual wave of sympathy, calls for gun reform, candles lit. But soon enough, like all the previous shootings, it will be forgotten. Nothing will change, nothing will be learned. And in a few years time it will happen again.

Despite the trappings of modernity and civil society, humanity remains as barbaric and destructive as it ever was. Perhaps it would have been better if humanity had been wiped out by the pandemic.


No one voice can be discerned above the deafening cacophony

Social media is akin to being one of a multitude in a cavern, all screaming, all demanding to be heard. No one voice can be discerned above the deafening cacophony. Wanting so desperately to be heard each voice gets louder and louder, but to no avail. Nothing is achieved, save to leave the participants angry, as they begin to realise the pointlessness of their efforts, as they begin to realise no one really cares what they have to say.

7th October 2021


They don't seem to understand they also have a responsibility to society

Following the tragic death last week of the police officer in Berkshire, I read an article suggesting that what happened arose because there is a complete lack of deference towards those in authority. Whether we're talking about the police, teachers or politicians, it seems to be acceptable to be rude and uncivil, if not outright aggressive.

I don't know whether the problem is a lack of deference or if recent generations have grown up not understanding the meaning of respect for others. It seems to me that children are being brought up to think their rights and desires are paramount, that nothing and no one should be allowed to stand between them and what they want. They don't seem to understand they also have a responsibility to society as a whole to act in a way that does not harm others, that sometimes their wants are not the most important consideration.

Maybe if they understood that, there would be fewer examples of young children causing mayhem on inner city estates, fewer problems with knife crime and respect of the authority of the police.

20th August 2019
