

Well, that didn't take long. The latest scare story: monkey pox.

Would anyone like to bet on when the next lockdown will be announced?

#journal #health #media

It seems I was wrong about at least one of the fires on Tuesday. ITV News is reporting that a fire that destroyed 5 homes in Barnsley is thought to have started in a garden shed and was electrical in origin.

Not arson then, but then neither was it climate change.

Aside from the article on the ITV website, this fact has generated barely a ripple in the media. Why am I not surprised?

#journal #climate #media

The BBC reported that the UK's heatwave and scorching 40C temperatures sparked wildfires across the country Really? Is it not possible the fires were started by arsonists, as has happened during warm spells for as long as I can remember. Don't take my word for it though, some of those earlier incidents have been reported by the BBC, and can be found on their web site.

Here for your perusal are just a few examples;

13 March 2010The number of deliberately started heath fires goes up as the evenings become lighter, the fire service said

26 March 2008About 170 firefighters spent three hours battling that blaze, during which more than 100 local residents had to leave their homes

13 April 2006Not only is it absolutely devastating to the countryside but it puts lives at risk.

Search, and you will find many more examples.

It has been uncomfortably hot these last few days, but even at 40c grass and trees do not spontaneously combust. It seems however that facts don't matter to the media. Over the last few years a level of hysteria has crept into the MSM. Gone is any attempt to explain and discuss, to discover what actually happened. Now every major incident is treated as if it was Armageddon, and the likes of the BBC, ITV and Sky are quite happy scaring the population because it fits the narrative they are pushing.

The fires over the last few days were not sparked by the heat wave. I'm betting though that when the actual causes are discovered there will barely be a mention of it in the media. They will have moved on to the next scare story.

#journal #media #society

They’re at it again. With a severe heatwave likely to hit England by the end of this week, the MSM is full of warnings. Stay inside, remain hydrated. The heat is a killer, be careful out there.

When did we in this country lose all sense of perspective? What happened to the stoic British character? Anything out of the ordinary is now met with warnings of impending doom. Since Covid have we become incapable of thinking for ourselves? Are we so reliant on the Government that we are now unable to make common sense decisions?

How do you think your parents and grandparents coped when it got a little hotter than normal? What would they think of today’s society that has become so utterly dependant on the State for guidance?

The word that springs to mind, the one that best describes the current state of society: pathetic.

#society #media #climate