

Yesterday the Tory MPs voted in the next round of their Party leadership contest. Of the four candidates, Kemi Badenoch received the fewest and has been knocked out. She was the one person with genuine Conservative beliefs, the one person who could have injected the party with new life. As it is, the three remaining candidates are much the same as has gone before. Bland, uninteresting, and with no discernible political convictions.

Nothing will change, it will be more of the same. This country is set to continue its spiral into oblivion.

#politics #journal

Remind me, isn't the Conservative Party supposed to be racist? You know, the Party holding the leadership election, in which 3 of the 6 candidates are from ethnic minority backgrounds? Yeah, that Party.

#politics journal #racism

Rishsi's decision to impose a windfall tax on the energy companies, and to hand over a good part of that money to taxpayers is surely pointless.

Fine, the money may help some people with their upcoming bills (although some might prefer to spend it getting pissed down the local boozer), but what happens next winter, next year? Relations with Russia will not have been normalised by then, and energy prices will not fall. More importantly, whatever the state of the relationship with Russia, this country has a shortage of power plants. Due to shocking mismanagement by Governments over the last twenty years, we have no replacements for the coal and nuclear powered stations that are being shut down. Green energy is simply window dressing, and is years away from being able to provide a dependable energy base.

On the news earlier, there were warnings we might face black outs in the winter. Why do they sound surprised, this has been on the cards for years.

Forget Partygate; what they need to investigate is the origins of the energy crisis. Governments over the last twenty year have displayed a criminal dereliction of duty; surely someone should be held to account?

#politics #energy #climate

Just how much will net zero cost the UK?

The UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021, otherwise known as COP26 runs until the 12th November. The stated aim of the conference is to

Secure global net zero and keep 1.5 degrees within reach.

The document COP26 Explained states that;

If we continue as we are, temperatures will carry on rising, bringing even more catastrophic flooding, bush fires, extreme weather and destruction of species

To help ameliorate the effects of global warning, the UK government has pledged we will as a nation be carbon neutral by 2050. The government has already closed down the coal fired power stations, replacing them with wind turbines and solar farms. Other measures include banning the sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2040, replacing domestic gas boilers with heat pumps, and compelling businesses to decarbonize.

The Office for BudgetResponsibility has calculated that in order to hit the net zero target it will cost the UK economy a staggering £1.4 trillion by 2050.

I'll repeat that. £1,400,000,000,000.

We are told that there is no choice, all scientists agree global warming is happening, that it is driven by human activity, and this is the price we will have to pay to achieve net zero.

However, consider this article produced by Jørgen Peder Steffensen, Ph.D. at the Center for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. He states that;

In the last 800,000 years there have been 8 ice ages, each lasting approximately 100,000 years, separated by interglacial periods of between 10,000 and 35,000 years.

Both hemispheres are affected by this ice age cycle. We can also see that the CO2 level varies with the ice ages: When it is cold there is less CO2 and when it is warmer the level is higher. We believe, that this CO2 feedback has significance as even small changes in solar radiation have had great effects. CO2 works as an intensifier.

Ice cores from both Antarctica and Greenland show that the last ice age started to become milder 19,000 years ago, completely in accordance with increased solar radiation from the earth’s favourable orientation in its orbit around the sun.

He goes on the discuss climate ripples and dramatic fluctuations in climate, and how they are caused by an interaction between the atmosphere and ocean currents.

As Dr Steffensen says, humanity had nothing to do with the end of the last Ice Age. The climate of the Earth has continued to change since that time, and will continue to do so forever more as a result of factors including solar energy, ocean currents and plate tectonics. I don't doubt that the climate is changing; the Earth is a living organism and it is only natural that it will. I also accept it is possible that human activity may have contributed to recent changes.

One person who takes this view is Dr Roy W Spencer Ph.D. He has been branded a climate denier, but if you read his articles, you will realise he is anything but. In his article, he explains that he believes the climate system has warmed and that CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning contributes to that warming. Where he disagrees with the alarmists however is their insistence that we are in the midst of a crisis. He does not accept that we should immediately embrace expensive and ineffective sources of alternative energy. He takes the view that;

It will be much worse for humanity if we abandon fossil fuels before alternative technologies are abundant, affordable, and practical. Human flourishing requires access to affordable energy, which is required for almost all human activities.

It is immoral to deny fossil-fuelled electricity to the world’s poor, and its replacement in even the richest countries still destroys prosperity, especially for the poor.

Philip Davies, Conservative MP for Shipley, recently wrote to one of his constituents to make the same point. In his letter he argues that attempting to achieve net zero would be

Utterly futile, virtue signalling, gesture politics which would also bankrupt the country along with many families. The estimated cost of getting from less than one per cent of global carbon emissions to net zero is estimated to be £1 trillion in the UK – that is money the country and many of my constituents can ill afford.

It would be much more sensible to spend money on adapting to changes in the climate rather than an unrealistic view that we are going to change the world's climate.

He's quite right. It would be immoral to push ahead with the net zero. policy when there is no cheap alternative to fossil fuels, and when the cost of pursuing such a policy would consign so many of us to economic and fuel poverty.

Boris Johnson may enjoy virtue signalling at COP26, but he should not forget the hard working, hard pressed people of this country. Come the next election if all he can offer is net zero and declining living standards he will soon see his 80 seat majority disappear.

#climate #politics

As trolling goes his comment is up there with the best.

Vladimir Putin told the Russian people today that he would protect them from Western cancel culture. As trolling goes his comment is up there with the best.

The Russians are the masters of cancel culture; they don't though waste their time with Twitter pile ons, they go straight in for the kill. Literally. It's not so very different from the days of the Soviet Union when dissidents were routinely assassinated or shipped to the Gulags, they and their work airbrushed from history.

So if you've been sitting there thinking maybe Putin has a point, just remember the lessons of history and be careful what you wish for.

23rd October 2021

#journal #politics

How much easier would it be for the government to monitor your mobiles, constantly scanning for hate crime

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, or so goes the old adage. All the while your country's government is benign, I suppose that may be true, but when it adopts an altogether more authoritarian stripe, what then?

I ask having just read an article at BBC News reporting that Apple will be introducing technology allowing them to scan pictures being uploaded to iCloud. The technology is to be used with the very best of intentions, attempting as it does to prevent the circulation of illegal and sickening images.

The worry however is how such technology will be used in the future. If Apple's scanning system works there will be a good many governments who will insist the technology is made available to them, to allow them monitor their own populations. China is an obvious example of a country that would adopt such a system when it becomes available (assuming they're not already doing so), but one does not have to look too far to find other countries that would find this technology useful.

Take Scotland for example. In March 2021 the devolved government passed the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill. The Bill creates a new crime of stirring up hatred against certain protected groups, which is defined as behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, or communicating threatening or abusive material to another person.

It has been argued that the definition of stirring up hatred is too vague and open to interpretation and will have a chilling effect on free speech.

Furthermore, offences can now be committed even in private, and there are many who believe this is an example of interference in private and family life. To quote from the BBC article,

Why should any government, they ask, decide what can and can't be said in the privacy of one's home?

Rather than having to rely on friends and family to dob in transgressors, how much easier would it be for the government to monitor your computers and mobiles, constantly scanning for hate crime.

In such circumstances, and fearing one could be accused of stirring up hate, no one would dare speak out against the prevailing left-wing orthodoxies. That really would be the end of critical thought and free speech.

19th August 2021

#freespeech #politics

A government which has been in power too long will, whatever their stripe, become bloated, self serving and corrupt.

A busy time of late, which might explain why I have been so quiet. Just one thought for the moment, concerning the ongoing dispute between Sturgeon and Salmond in Scotland. A government which has been in power too long will, whatever their stripe, become bloated, self serving and corrupt. The SNP is no different, their primary concern being to hold onto power rather than working for the good of the people.

I know there isn't much in the way of opposition in Scottish politics. One could say Scotland is a one party state. The current farrago illustrates the fact that too much power is vested in the hands of the one party, which cannot be good for democracy. It is probably too much to hope that come the next election, Scottish voters will give the SNP a good kicking, and a reminder of where their duty lies.

28th February 2021


We are living through uncertain times, worrying times. The world will never be the same again.

It's been a while since I wrote anything. I have spent my time in the last few weeks rebuilding the home server. It has been an interesting project, and something of a diversion from the world beyond my front door.

We are in the midst of the third national lockdown. The new variant of the virus is sweeping across the country, hospitals are beyond full, and the death toll continues to rise. We are warned the peak may still be weeks away.

Meanwhile in the US, Trump faces impeachment, accused of inciting the riot that resulted in the storming of the Capitol Building. He continues to make inflammatory comments, and there is real concern there will be further violence at the inauguration of Biden. The leader of the free world is in danger of spiralling into civil war.

We rarely see news about what is happening in China or Russia. I imagine the virus is taking its toll in those countries too, but I also suspect the priority for Xi and Putin is not controlling the virus but how best they can exploit the turmoil in the States.

We are living through uncertain times, worrying times. The world will never be the same again.

13th January 2021

#coronavirus #politics

The government is driving this country into utter penury

Boris Johnson announced yesterday that as of next Thursday England would be going into a second national lockdown. The experts are worried that a surge of cases over the next few weeks will overwhelm the hospitals, and the NHS will be unable to cope. We were told in the spring a lockdown was needed so that the NHS could prepare, so why the need for a lockdown now? What has been the point of the restrictions of the last 6 months? Surely the NHS should have been ready for what they knew would be a difficult winter?

What of the impact on people's livelihoods and businesses, of the effect on people's physical and mental health? As to when this lockdown will end, there is uncertainty. In yesterday's announcement we were told it would end on the 2nd December. Today, it emerges that a review will be carried out on that date, so the lockdown might end then, but it is possible it will continue.

The government is driving this country into utter penury, and all to control a disease that by and large severely affects only the elderly and those with underlying conditions. Complete madness.

1st November 2020

#coronavirus #politics

I have yet to see a single article questioning why adherents of Islam believe they are justified in butchering innocent citizens

French citizens, having been butchered in Paris and Nice, the media is picking over arguments about what France has done wrong, how it has incited the violence we now see. I have though yet to see a single article questioning why adherents of Islam believe they are justified in butchering innocent citizens. Where is the article asking whether such a religion has a place in modern society?

France has a long history of secularism, going back to the post-Revolutionary period. The laws apply to all citizens, whatever their religious beliefs, so why should France be expected to make an exception for Islam? Why should they be expected to treat Islam with any more respect than they do Christianity? And if they make an exception for Islam on the subject of satirical cartoons, what comes next? Fundamentalist Islam treats women as second class citizens; will all women be required to walk behind their husband, for fear of upsetting the Islamic community?

If you want to believe in God, if you want to follow a particular religious doctrine, that is entirely your right, and that right should be protected. However, in a secular society, whether it is France or Britain, when the religious beliefs come into conflict with state laws, then the state laws must always take primacy. The right to freedom of speech is a basic tenet of a free society, and that includes the right to satirise and question any and all religions. If that means the publication of what you consider to be offensive cartoons, then so be it. After all it is that very same freedom that allows you to practise your religion in peace.

Vive la France.

1st November 2020

#freespeech #politics #terrorism