

Rishsi's decision to impose a windfall tax on the energy companies, and to hand over a good part of that money to taxpayers is surely pointless.

Fine, the money may help some people with their upcoming bills (although some might prefer to spend it getting pissed down the local boozer), but what happens next winter, next year? Relations with Russia will not have been normalised by then, and energy prices will not fall. More importantly, whatever the state of the relationship with Russia, this country has a shortage of power plants. Due to shocking mismanagement by Governments over the last twenty years, we have no replacements for the coal and nuclear powered stations that are being shut down. Green energy is simply window dressing, and is years away from being able to provide a dependable energy base.

On the news earlier, there were warnings we might face black outs in the winter. Why do they sound surprised, this has been on the cards for years.

Forget Partygate; what they need to investigate is the origins of the energy crisis. Governments over the last twenty year have displayed a criminal dereliction of duty; surely someone should be held to account?

#politics #energy #climate