What's the Point?

Now, when failing to abide by the restrictions, one need only quote Mr Johnson, and claim “I was simply following my instincts”

After it emerged that his Chief Advisor, Dominic Cummings had apparently broken the lockdown rules shortly after the restrictions had been implemented, Boris Johnson yesterday made the following statement;

I have had extensive face-to-face conversations with Dominic Cummings and I have concluded that in travelling to find the right kind of childcare, at the moment when both he and his wife were about to be incapacitated by coronavirus – and when he had no alternative – I think he followed the instincts of every father and every parent. And I do not mark him down for that.

The government has never got to grips with this crisis. I accept that when dealing with an unknown quantity such as covid-19, difficult decisions have to be made, and mistakes will occur. However, in such uncertain times what one needs is strong and clear leadership, and in the UK that has been sorely lacking. In trying to defend his closest advisor, Johnson has effectively re-written the rules for lockdown. Now, when failing to abide by the restrictions, one need only quote Mr Johnson, and claim “I was simply following my instincts”.

The consequence is that the lockdown may soon collapse as people shrug their shoulders and ask “what's the point?”.

25th May 2020

#coronavirus #politics