
Brexit goes on and on, with no end in sight.

Brexit. It goes on and on, with no end in sight. The governments withdrawal agreement was rejected by Parliament yesterday, and by quite a substantial majority. Today there will be another vote, this one to remove the option of “No Deal”, which will no doubt be passed.

And then? Whilst the WA has been rejected there is no agreed consensus on what would be acceptable. It doesn't matter what concessions she might obtain from the EU, any WA will be rejected. Hard Brexit, soft Brexit, somewhere in between, there are not enough MPs in any of the competing camps to carry the vote. Apart from one option of course; to abandon Brexit.

With the No Deal option removed, and no possibility of agreement, it is likely Mrs May will ask the EU for an extension to Article 50, pushing back the date on which the UK leaves. Maybe it will be extended by weeks, perhaps even months, but I take the view that the longer the extension, the softer Brexit will become. Perhaps it will even be abandoned altogether.

Perhaps that was the plan all along, the Deep State ensuring the will of the people is thwarted. That would of course assume the powers that be know what they are doing, which seems a little unlikely to me.

13th March 2019

#brexit #eu #politics