

The longer the lockdown continues the worse will be the impact on the economy and society

The government will be making an announcement on Sunday, explaining their plans for easing the lockdown. Ahead of the announcement debates are raging in the media about whether now is the right time to ease the restrictions, what precautions should be taken, whether particular groups within society should continue to isolate.

The scientists are still unsure about how the virus spreads and what precautions are actually effective. What is clear however is that the longer the lockdown continues the worse will be the impact on the economy and society, on the general well being of us all. We have to get the country working again. If we don't, how many will lose their jobs? What will be the effect on the health of those suffering poverty and the lowering of living standards?

The lockdown has to end soon.

5th May 2020

#coronavirus #politics

The media are reporting on the possibility that the coronavirus emanated from a laboratory in Wuhan

Reports in the main stream media are working on the possibility that the coronavirus actually emanated from a laboratory in Wuhan.

According to an article in The Telegraph the Wuhan Institute of Virology identified the covid-19 virus. There is however mounting speculation that the virus was released either purposely or more likely by accident from that very same laboratory. The Chinese government is of course denying the allegations, but can they be believed?

They failed to warn the WHO of the true extent of the outbreak in December and January, and as you would expect of a totalitarian regime, they will not admit to failings at the Wuhan Institute. The virus will no doubt be followed by the continued spread of Chinese misinformation.

4th May 2020

#china #coronavirus

British Airways announced they will be making as many as 12,000 staff redundant

Pinch punch, first of the month! Welcome to the first day of May, a bright spring day but one overshadowed by the growing crisis. Yesterday, British Airways announced they will be making as many as 12,000 staff redundant. This was followed with Ryanair announcing they would be shedding 3,000 jobs.

The travel industry was always likely to be one of the hardest hit by the lockdown, but the numbers are still worrying. The economy will suffer badly and it will only get worse the longer the lockdown continues. I have read that Boris Johnson will in the next few days be announcing how the government plans to ease the restrictions, but I do not expect we will return to any kind of normality soon. Indeed, they will be watching Germany, where restrictions were eased recently, and where in some areas the numbers of those found to be infected with covid-19 is growing again. The government has a difficult balancing act to perform; trying to keep the number of cases under control while at the same time allowing the economy to function will not be easy.

Meanwhile in the US, Donald Trump says he has evidence that the virus was released from a laboratory in Wuhan in China. Is he flying a kite again, or does he really have any such evidence?

1st May 2020

#coronavirus #politics

In the UK we have no idea what will happen next

The death toll for those dying with covid-19 has now passed 20,000 in the UK. The figure does not include those who have died at home or in care homes, and there is speculation the true figure could in fact be closer to 40,000.

The government has also said that it would be irresponsible for them to explain the plans for exiting the lockdown. Do they think we're stupid, or is it the case they don't actually have one yet? It is frustrating that other countries are now carefully coming out of lockdown, but here in the UK we have no idea what will happen next. Perhaps matters will improve from tomorrow, with Boris Johnson's return to work.

26th April 2020

#coronavirus #politics

Today Oxford University began human trials of a vaccine

Today Oxford University began human trials of a vaccine. They are confident it will work, having had success in recent years fighting ebola and SARS.

Tomorrow all front line staff and their families will be able to book a test for covid-19. How quickly the tests will be completed is yet to be seen. The government also announced the NHS would soon roll out a system of track and trace.

We have to hope that with the introduction of these measures we will be told what plans the government has to bring the lockdown to an end.

23rd April 2020

#coronavirus #politics

After four weeks in lockdown, the Government has decided to extend it for a further three

After four weeks in lockdown, the Government has decided to extend it for a further 3. Dominic Raab, the stand in Prime Minister, explained that although reported cases of covid-19 seemed to be plateauing, it would be irresponsible to relax the restrictions at this time.

17th April 2020

#coronavirus #politics

The UK is on course to be the worst affected country in Europe.

The PM Boris Johnson is on the road to recovery. He was discharged from hospital today. He will be recuperating at Chequers for a period of time before resuming his duties.

Meanwhile, the number of covid-19 related deaths in the UK today passed 10,000. The UK is on course to be the worst affected country in Europe.

12th April 2020

#coronavirus #politics

Will the cure prove to be worse than the disease?

After 3 weeks in lockdown, a lethargy has set in. The same routine each day, walk the dog, potter around the house, an afternoon nap. There are a few small jobs I could do, but I just don't have the energy, and come the end of the day I'm exhausted.

Today saw the death of 980 people with covid in the UK, the worst day yet. However, there are reports that the number of hospital admissions is beginning to plateau.

There is continued debate about when the lockdown should end. The worry is that the economic downturn resulting from the lockdown may have greater human consequences, and could result in more deaths, than caused by the virus itself. Lionel Shriver writing in the Spectator this week makes the point that last year 600,000 people died in the UK, 58 million worldwide. The deaths associated with the coronavirus are tiny by comparison.

Will the cure prove to be worse than the disease?

10th April 2020

#coronavirus #politics

The true awfulness of this pandemic is beginning to sink in.

It is apparently one hundred days since China submitted the first report of a covid-19 case to the World Health Organisation. How the world has changed since. As we approach the end of the third week of lock down, there is no prospect the restrictions will end anytime soon. There is some suggestions that no significant decisions will be made until Boris Johnson is well enough to lead the country again.

I went into the local Co-Op earlier to pick up provisions. For the first time since the crisis began I had a real sense of dread. There was no control over numbers entering the store and inside people were just milling about as normal. They were all getting too close for my liking, and I could not get out quick enough.

A friend's mum died over the weekend. She was being cared for at a care home, and whilst frail, she was otherwise well. However, it seems she contracted the virus, presumably from one of the carers, and succumbed very quickly. Because she had the virus she was on her own, her family was not allowed to be with her at the end. Now the family does not know where the body is. There will not be a funeral. Her body will be cremated. In due course the family will be told when and where they can collect her ashes. I can't imagine how my friend is coping at the moment.

The true awfulness of this pandemic is beginning to sink in.

9th April 2020

#china #coronavirus #politics

Now is not the time for politicians to be considering career opportunities

The coronavirus contributed to the deaths of 938 people in the UK today, the total now stands at 7,097. Meanwhile, Boris remains in hospital although he is apparently improving. However, with Boris out of action there is talk of a power vacuum. With no designated deputy, we now have the spectacle of senior members of the Government posturing for position.

Are there not more important matters for them to be dealing with at this moment? Would their time not be better spent working to provide our front line staff with the equipment they need and developing a strategy to get the country out of the lockdown?

Now is not the time for politicians to be considering career opportunities.

8th April 2020

#coronavirus #politics