
Lockdowns have just one consequence and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer

England has adopted a three tier lockdown system, the idea being that only those regions that are suffering the worst infection rates need to go into full lockdown. At the moment about half the population of England is living under these most stringent measures. At least it is better than Wales, where the devolved government has decided to enforce a total lockdown across the country, to last for 17 days, even in the most remote areas that have seen very few cases.

Lockdowns continue to be the principle means of virus control, this despite Dr David Nabarro of the World Health Organisation urging world leaders to stop using lockdowns as your primary control method of the global health crisis. He is reported to have said;

Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.

Meanwhile in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon has espoused the view that the Scots had all but eliminated the virus during the summer, and that it has only taken off again because of people travelling to Scotland from other parts of the UK. Even in the midst of a pandemic it seems there is time for a spot of blatant nationalism.

Former colleagues tell me they are at risk of losing their jobs because of a covid induced reduction in work. A woman in the local pub, who has been working there for 10 years fears losing her job if there is another lockdown. In her 50's, what hope does she have of finding alternative employment? There is a friend who cannot get his new business up and running because the bureaucrats who need to issue the requisite trading certificate before he can do so are, as a result of covid, working at reduced staffing levels.

Again we are left to wonder at the damage the being caused to people's livelihoods and wellbeing, and whether the government's strategy for controlling the virus will come at too high a price.

25th October 2020

#coronavirus #politics