
Iceland have more volcanoes than professional players. England were abject, I have never seen such an awful performance.

Last night England were knocked out of Euro 2016. Beaten 2-1 by Iceland. Iceland. A country of 300,000 with no professional teams. They have more volcanoes than professional players. England were abject, I have never seen such an awful performance.

After the match Roy Hodgson resigned. He would have been sacked anyway, so it was just as well he did so. He is an honourable man who made some appalling tactical decisions. A bit like David Cameron who resigned as the PM in the wake of the referendum. Another honourable man who made some poor tactical decisions.

In the days since the vote, I remain convinced the decision to leave was the right one. I had always thought the EU was a corrupt, self serving institution. It needs reform, but it was never likely to happen without a seismic event; Britain's decision to leave may prove to be that event. Juncker, the EU President is being blamed in part for the British decision. Some of the Eastern European members are questioning the direction the EU is taking and are even arguing the treaty that binds the members should be completely redrafted.

The ramifications of the vote will be quite profound.

28th June 2016

#brexit #eu #football #politics