
If the MPs can't decide then the only remaining option is to let the people decided

It was obvious Theresa May's Brexit Deal would be rejected by Parliament. It was the scale of the defeat that was remarkable. In normal times, having suffered such a loss the PM would resign. These though are not normal times.

Corbyn has tabled a motion of no confidence. Ironically the very MPs who helped vote the Brexit deal down will now express their confidence in Mrs May. Of course if they don't the Government could fall, there would then have to be a General Election, Corbyn could get his hands on the keys to number 10, and those MPs would be out of a job. I doubt those MPs have any confidence in the PM, their vote of support will represent nothing more than one of self interest.

I expect Mrs May will survive the vote of confidence, but then what? Parliament is in utter turmoil. There is no common consensus, no hint of a plan that the majority of MPs could agree on. And even if there was, would it be accepted by the EU? The EU have already made it quite clear they are not prepared to reopen the negotiations.

No deal is one option, but MPs are unlikely to agree to that for fear of the havoc that could unleash. An alternative is to cancel Brexit altogether, but MPs won't take that path as they would not want to be accused of ignoring the will of the people.

If the MPs can't decide then the only remaining option is to let the people decide. A Second Vote, giving the electorate the choice of

As someone who voted in 2016 to leave, I don't agree such a move would be undemocratic. Circumstances have changed since then and giving the people the chance to express their opinion, knowing what we know now would be entirely democratic.

The alternative is months if not years of continued uncertainty.

16th January 2019

#brexit #eu #politics