
The Government has announced a vaccine for nearly half of Britons could be available by September

This morning's headlines proclaim;

Vaccine for 30 million could be here by autumn

The Government has announced a vaccine for nearly half of Britons could be available by September. There is though one small caveat; it is dependent on successful trials of the vaccine. Bearing in mind the pharmaceutical companies have never been able to produce a successful coronavirus vaccine in the past, isn't the Government being overly optimistic?

The Government was not able to meet its target of 100,000 covid-19 tests per day by the end of April. Is this latest announcement just more pie-in-the-sky nonsense designed to take our minds off the more pressing concerns of schools reopening and deaths in the care homes?

For those of you not of this manor, pie in the sky is defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary as;

Something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen

18th May 2020

#coronavirus #politics