
Was his decision to travel to Durham a genuine error of judgement or did it amount to hubris?

I cannot believe that someone as politically astute as Dominic Cummings would not have known the reaction that was likely to greet news that he had broken the lockdown regulations. Was his decision to travel to Durham a genuine error of judgement or did it amount to hubris?

No doubt your answer will be influenced by your opinion of the man and your political leanings. Whatever your views, the government's decision to support him has undermined their message; for many, following the rules is now a matter of choice rather than necessity.

The governments plans for an orderly relaxation of the lockdown is likely to have been badly damaged by this episode.

Hubris: a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with arrogance.

26th May 2020

#coronavirus #politics